Hvar - sunny island

                                wants to
                             show you its
                       character and beauty
                 formed by natures elements
         in their best Mediterranean dance. The
island's sea washes peace and tranquility onto its shores, softly breaking on the rocky limestone coast, creating the perfect soundtrack for its amazing sunsets and sunrises. Sounds of the clear crystal blue sea combine with the palette of the sun to paint the island in soft sub-tones of orange, purple, yellow and indigo creating a harmony and sense of timelessness in the parallel universe you find yourself in.

Island Hvar

        Stepping onto the shore, the island embraces you and clothes you in the healing aroma of its flora. The sun's rays heat the ground, feeding the lush vegetation as it creates the scents and colors of an aromatic garden of pines, lavender, rosemary and sage.

Island Hvar

       The calmness of the summer sea and vibrant activity of sunshine shape the rich flavors of the island and of course its people, who wave goodbye as you leave the island awakened and fulfilled with feelings of endless perfect moments from your time in nature's special place.

Island Hvar